Digital product designer, leader & founder

Based in Copenhagen, Denmark 🇩🇰
St George's St, Norwich - '24
Hey friends!

I'm Luke, a seasoned digital product design specialist from the UK, now living in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Since 2006, I've been building exceptional digital products, both as part of teams and as someone leading them.

I'm definitely a bit of an all-rounder when it comes to the craft. I'm equally comfortable facilitating workshops, conducting user research, or communicating to stakeholders and investors about the direction we're headed. The part I love most though is creating the finished article and bringing the product to life.

I thrive best in the engine room working together with designers, engineers and product owners to create something that solves meaningful problems in a way that feels like magic.

I'm a creator at heart, always trying to balance both rapid iteration with technically considered, meticulous craftsmanship.

Most recently, I've worn many hats as a founder and Head of Design at elsewhere: a small but mighty startup studio where we've helped startup founders from all walks to launch their ventures into the world.

Outside of work, I'm a hobbyist musician, an ornithology and wildlife nerd, and a dyed in the wool Norwich City FC fan.

If you'd like to talk about the prospect of working together.. Reach out, and we'll grab a coffee and chat.
I've built things over the years together with some of these fine folk:

Let’s talk about values

Here’s a set of principles that guide me in the work I do. Equal parts manifesto and personal checklist of things to always remember.

Play the game better or play a better game

This one's a little bit down to my punk rock roots. I’ve always been a challenger of convention.

People are the most complicated part

No decision of significance happens without involving people. Failing to understand them is just plain failing.

Difficult questions from a place of love

I work to foster relationships where it’s safe to debate, and speak candidly, with the spirit of friendship.

The constant hunt for ‘good enough’

The fine art of balancing a high degree of quality, with a pragmatism around launching and learning.

If we’re not learning, do something else

I've vowed to never plateau. I need to know progression is happening, even if it's not the progression I planned.

Give your all to those you care most about

I approach everything with integrity. But I move the earth for the people who have truly earned my trust.

A few firm favourites

Some of my favourite projects from over the years - at least the stuff that I'm able to share. Most links direct you out to other sites for now while I build out my own case pages.


A digital platform that unlocks the power of digital impact measurement for philanthropic foundations and change makers.
UX Research
Product strategy
Design systems
Data visualisation


A mobile app that reimagines the way hard to find luxury fashion items are sourced.
Mobile app
Product strategy
Luxury fashion
Web design

TechSoup Quad

A digital marketplace platform that empowers nonprofits to make the most of technology so that they can focus on their impact work.
Experiment design
Product strategy
Community building

Google digital workshop

A massive open online course platform to help train millions of small business owners to digitally transform their businesses.
UX Strategy
Complex multi-stakeholder

Google live case

An interactive web experience for the Google store to allow people to create their own phone cases using Google products and services as inspiration.
Creative technology
Google tech
Rapid prototyping
Design systems

BBC Eavis / Glastonbury

Developing a scalable and bespoke events CMS that allowed the BBC to live-stream Glastonbury festival before that was even really a thing.
Events management
Live events
Custom CMS

BBC Academy

An online knowledge base to provide educational content for anyone pursuing a career in broadcasting, journalism, production and technology.
UX Research
Design systems
Data visualisation

What I’m on the lookout for

I’m happy to have a chat with most people, so please don’t be shy if you’re thinking of reaching out! Extra brownie points if you're from one of the following and you want to talk about doing some work together.
1st choice

Startup or scaleup product teams

Boundary pushing, status quo challenging and being open to trying new things. Then moving quickly to ship it and learn what worked! That’s my absolute jam.
2nd choice

Enterprise level tech product teams

These are teams I’ve worked together with as a consultant, but have seldom served on the inside of. I’ve always been interested in making this sort of change at scale.
3rd choice

Venture studios or product agencies

Helping others to help themselves. Fair warning though: I have spent five years trying to challenge and improve how agencies are run. So if you're open to that, let's chat.